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Celebrating 6 Months of Power Move Yoga

We launched a yoga studio in the middle of a global pandemic. Yes, you read that correctly.

In March 2020, after being laid off from our in-studio teaching and management positions, we (Heather Hartel and Loulou Gaget) gathered our community of yoga instructors from New York City with the mission of sharing yoga when the world needed it the most.

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My Experience with Power Move Yoga’s Teacher Development Program

June 2020….when my virtual online teacher training ended. Usually, there’s a big celebration with food, smiles, and congratulations. However, this year due to the pandemic, it looked more like waving goodbye to 100 + people in our “zoom mansion” as we called it, and closed my laptop. Now what?

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5 Upgrades to Make Your Home Yoga Studio More Special

For the many of us that don’t have a home gym built-in and are sharing space with other people, the home studio has to be like Harry Potter’s ‘room of requirement’ and literally appear with everything you need when you need it and be hidden otherwise.

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Sitting with the Stillness

Stop right now. Stop reading for just a moment, sit back into the chair you’re perched on, and take a deep, cleansing breath.

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